Mariem Abid is a technical sales analyst at Axelys. She has over 10 years’ combined experience in computer science, signal processing and applied artificial intelligence. She holds a PhD in signal and image processing from INSA Rennes in France. She then completed her postdoctoral training at the Laboratoire de recherche en imagerie et orthopédie (LIO), the Centre de recherche du Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal (CRCHUM) and the Centre de recherche LICEF at Université TELUQ for 4 years. Mariem Abid is also a visiting researcher at the Institut d’intelligence artificielle appliquée (I2A Institute) at TÉLUQ University and a tutor for the Computer Science program committee of the Department of Science and Technology at TÉLUQ University.
Mariem Abid is also a scientific entrepreneur, and in 2021 founded, a company specializing in the development of digital biomarkers using artificial intelligence techniques. Mariem Abid has participated in various programs offered by Concordia University’s District 3 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre. First in the Quebec Scientific Entrepreneurship Program (QcSE) (spring 2021 cohort), then in the Market Discovery Program (fall 2021 cohort) and finally the Validation Program (winter 2022 cohort).
She also holds an attestation of professional specialization in business start-up, issued by the Ministère de l’éducation, de l’enseignement supérieur et de la recherche du Québec.She is also founder and mentor of the AI in Health: from research to application community of practice since March 2020, supported by the CHUM School of Artificial Intelligence in Health (ÉIAS). Mariem Abid was a mentor for the third cohort of MILA’s mentoring program from February to November 2023 and a volunteer with Hacking Health Montréal.