Call for Proposals
For next generation innovations
Less than a year after its creation as Québec’s centre for the development and transfer of innovation, Axelys is launching its first call for proposals in three areas: sustainable agriculture, medical devices, and clean energy. This call for proposals is made in collaboration with the Ministry of Economy and Innovation of Québec.
The purpose of this call for proposals is to support the development of technical innovations with high potential in order to accelerate their transfer and commercialisation.
This call for proposals is open to all researchers working in a public research institution in Québec. The proposals must be accompanied by a private-sector partner who will be able to commercialise the technology created by the project.
The application period for letters of intention is now over. Thank you for your great interest.
- We are currently revising the letters of intention. Researchers whose projects meet the call’s admissibility criteria will be invited by email in the coming days to complete a full proposal. These proposals must be returned to Axelys at the latest on December 17th, 2021.
- The results of the call for proposals will be made public at the latest on March 30, 2022 and projects must start by June 30, 2022.
If you have any questions, please contact Axelys by email at: